Regulations and Conduct of Examinations

*    Please read carefully the following regulations governing the conduct of examinations. Students should abide by the regulations when taking the examination.

        -   Regulations and Conduct of Examinations

*    Students who think that their performance may have been affected by anything during the examination should write, not later than seven calendar days after the examination, to the College Vice Principal (Administration). They should not delay, and should not, under any circumstances, contact or write to the course lecturers.

Academic Integrity

The College expects students to complete all their assessments with the utmost academic integrity. Please be reminded that it is a serious offence to cheat in any type of assessments including examinations, tests and course work assignments. Students shall not obtain or seek to obtain advantage in any assessment by having or seeking access to unauthorised information or materials or by copying or attempting to copy from, or by communicating or attempting to communicate with any parties. Moreover, students shall not impersonate other candidates, nor shall they permit themselves to be impersonated at any assessment.

To ensure the fairness of assessment, the College takes a serious attitude towards students who are found violating the regulations such as cheating in any type of assessments. Offenders will be subject to disciplinary action such as receiving a "Fail" grade for the course concerned, suspension of studies and legal proceedings taken by the College.

In this regard, please be aware of all the regulations and rules including collusion, copyright and plagiarism stated in the Student Handbook.